Cannarex Recreational Marijuana

Monday, May 9, 2016

Pros: In Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

Legalized marijuana for recreational use is now a reality in states like Washington and Colorado. As expected, considering that weed is considered as a dangerous drug, the move has raised plenty of questions and has become a hot topic in debates. Apposed to somewhat popular belief, legalization of cannabis has had many benefits that are really helps the pros of legalizing weed.

1. Boost in Revenue. As governments struggle with decreased revenue and rising costs, they look for creative ways to boost income to fund projects, such as new parks and road repairs. Now, some people believe that the legalization of weed could be revenue generator in the form of new taxes applied to its sale and distribution. In Colorado, for example, analysts suggest that taxing the drug could raise between $5 and $22 million annually.

2. Safety controls Cannabis, whether you like it or not, is a highly popular substance that many people consume on a regular basis. While current legalization efforts don’t directly address safety issues, they do create a framework for a safety control system, which would work to eliminate some of the risk that comes from smoking a substance potentially laced with toxic ingredients.

3. Personal Freedom. Countries have a responsibility to respect individual free will and the right of self-determination.Smoking weed is generally considered as a “victimless crime”, where only the user is at risk of experiencing the effects. However, morality could not be legislated when people disagree about what is considered “moral”.

 4. It Takes Money Away From the Wrong Hands Many high school students report that it is easier to obtain illegal drugs than alcohol and tobacco.Through legalization, there will be open competition and lower prices, so drug cartels, which might include terrorists, would lose some or even all of their business.

 5. More effective law enforcement and criminal justice. Many advocates for legalization note that by decriminalizing the substance, police officers will have more time and money to pursue criminals for other crimes, including those involving violence.They even argue that it would create wiggle room in the criminal justice system, which allows judges and prosecutors to focus more on violent crimes, while crowded prisons are freed of space.

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